Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Lost on an Island with 5 Women

The women of Lost play a very important role in the show. Because children cannot be conceived on the island, female survivors became a key target of interest of the mysterious Others, pregnant Claire Littleton in particular. But the women on the show have an additional role, and that is to be the best eye candy they can be both in physical attraction and in character. Let's examine the top 5 most attractive women on Lost. Who wouldn’t want to be stuck on an island with these broads?

1. Kate Austen: Fugitive, Lover, Fighter.
Kate Austen, pretty from beginning to end.
Always on the move and never willing to stop. That’s the way Kate looks at life and her men. After the plane crash she flocks to Jack's rational heroism and bravery; plus being a doctor helps Jack's case. When Sawyer's raw masculinity and rebellious attitude overthrows Kate's desire for Jack, she decides switches from Team Jack to Team Saywer (And yeah, Twilight isn't the only series to have teams. The series finale reveals who her destined partner is but it's a long journey for Kate to realize who it is. I love you Kate for being my first high school love, and for looking the way you do. You're the only one who looked the best with a sweat drenched shirt and dirty hair.

2. Claire Littleton: Maternal, Abandoned, Australian Cutie.
Claire and her son, Aaron. What a cutie.
Only the cutest girl on the planet. But maybe that's crossing the line, I mean that is Charlie's woman. Since day one of the crash, Charlie Pace took a liking to her (and who can blame him with those pretty blue eyes of hers). When her baby pops out he's like the cutest think ever. Who couldn't love the helpless mother? As the seasons went on, Claire only got prettier. She became less stressed, more put together. Plus she got bangs in season 3. It's hard to pull that off nowadays but she has got it down.

3. Juliet Burke: Scientist, Unpredictable, Badass.
Badass Juliet with her gun, never
knowing what she'll do next.
Before there was Sawyer and Juliet in season 5 and 6, there was Jack and Juliet. In season 3 they were quite the hot couple. Maybe just Jack's way of back at Sawyer for stealing Kate. She worked for the Others but we never really knew what she was thinking. Sometimes she was loyal to Jack and other times she followed Ben. Because she was so unpredictable, you never knew when she would pull a gun on someone, anyone. Who doesn't love a pretty blonde who knows how to hold a gun?

4. Sun Kwon: Wife, Adulterer, Korean.
Sun from season 1
Sun from season 6
During season 1, Sun was the oppressed housewife who had to hide secrets from her short tempered husband. At the end of the season, when Jin left on the raft and disappeared for a while, was when the pretty Sun would come out to shine. Maybe the time apart gave her the freedom to look the way she wanted to, and when Jin and her were finally reunited she probably looked so good that her husband decided to let her stay with her look. Regardless, she is the only woman on the island who has conceived a baby on the island, when no one else could. She must be one special lady.

5. Penny Widmore: True Love, Daddy Issues, Desmond
Beautiful, Beautiful Penny Widmore.
We know very little about Penny except for her unrelenting love for Desmond Hume. She is also a victim of her father's expectations for her suitors, which is what separated her from Desmond in the first place. When Desmond went off the map, she spent her millions looking for him on land and sea. She was so beautiful and captivating that the image of her kept him alive for all those years. She makes the audience remember the feeling of letting someone you love go, never realizing if you'll see them again. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Me and Lost

Me in my original, ratty Lost shirt and
 my beloved blu-ray set of the series
Before I babble on about more Lost mumbo jumbo, I feel that I should explain the extent of my fandom. On September 22, 2004, the obsession began. Since day one, I have loved the show. I wasn't one of those people who started watching halfway in, and then went back to catch up. I am proud to say that I've been Lost since the first day.

            My obsession in the show went to a new level in 2007 when I bought my first shirt from the online Lost store. 4 8 15 16 23 42 read across the front. I liked the show so much that I had decided to wear my "Lost shirt" every Wednesday (because that was that day of the week that the show was usually on). That shirt and I went through everything together. When the show would move to a different day of the week, I would wear my shirt that day.

            Not more than a year after I buying my shirt, my sister accidentally spilled bleach on the front and back giving my black shirt a nice big red stain. Even though my sister told me she would buy me another shirt, I didn't really care because the red stain actually looked kinda cool.

            Over the years, holes infested my shirt, one by one. While running on a hot day, I took my shirt off only to rip the back of my shirt almost beyond repair. Because of the massive rip, I was forced to take a hiatus from wearing the shirt. While Grandma was still able to sew it back up, I decided to hang up the shirt for good. Luckily my sister kept to her word and bought me another identical shirt to make for the other one. 

             This video is an xfinity commercial that parodies off the song "All I Have to Do is Dream" by the Everly Brothers. At the end of the commercial, they use clips from Lost saying that if you want to watch the show, all you have to do is stream, stream, stream, and it will show up on your TV. This commercial reminds me that when I miss Lost, all i have to do is turn on my TV and pop in the blu-ray discs and watch it. It's that simple. "Whenever I want you, all I have to do is dreeeeeam."

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